Left to my own demise, I really can cook up a storm. Well... at least I can follow a recipe well. ;)-
When my sweet wife has to run over to Alabama to attend to her parents and give them a hand for a few days, she often leaves me with cooked dishes of food that I only have to heat and/or meals that are fairly planned out for me.
This week one of the things on my "menu" was wild Alaskan Salmon that she'd picked up especially for me to eat. So, with the garden going so well and the chard running wild, I decided to hack some of it down and see what the stuff tastes like. No, believe it or not, this is the first time we've tried any chard from our garden and frankly I'm thinking about planting a whole stinking bed full of the stuff!
After a few searches, I came up with a chard dish that sounded good and gave me some remedial information on chard and techniques for cooking it. The blog I found it on is called "Beyond Salmon" and I give kudos to its writer for such a delectable dish!
With olive oil, cream and Parmesan cheese, how can it not be good?
The tidbit of info that really interested me was the author's description of Swiss chard as being "two vegetables" in one; first the stem and second the greens. When you take two different approaches with cooking the two, you'll never throw the stems in the compost pile again!
I added a couple of cloves of minced garlic to my version (since my wife is away) and I think I've found a new favorite vegetable!! Of course, my wife would say that I like anything with garlic on it.
... and yes, she's right again!
Just to follow up a bit...
ReplyDeleteWhat got me to Beyond Salmon's blog in the first place is that I had some salmon to cook for dinner (I did it fried pecan crusted) with some coconut ginger rice that we had left over. Yum!
People keep telling me to try Swiss Chard. I'm going to have to do it. Everyone seems to like it a lot.