Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Older I Get

I've worked in an office setting for pretty much all my life and I find that I can be satisfied with just about whatever I do. Just throw me into something and I dig in start analyzing the problem or project that I'm handed and I find that I can be content with it.

Maybe it's just a quirk that I have, but I'm easy that way.

I can be just as satisfied digging in the dirt (though my body might not agree) and in the last few years I've taken much of my spare time and dedicated it to gardening. In fact, that's the impetus for this blog... sort of a way of recording the things that have worked for me in the garden and the things that have flopped.

For example, last year I tried my hand at a bit of hydroponics; somewhat successfully, I might add. But, in the end the beautiful red peppers that arrived (which were sold to me as Red Bell Peppers) were like a cross between a Bell pepper and a Habanero! The moral, if I can't eat the thing, is it really a success?

The older I get, the more I get out of seeing things grow... kids, grandkids and the things in my garden.


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