But let me tell you, there's nothing that reminds me of summer than the smell of tomato plants. Today I went out to the garden in the back where I'm growing my tomato plants in large "smart pots". One of my tomato cages had taken a tumble because of one of the early Georgia storms.

When I lifted it up I noticed some suckers (those little branches that start between the main branches) and decided to pinch it off. I pinched off several suckers and that's when I noticed it... the aroma of the tomato vine.
I don't know what it is about the aroma of some things triggering memories, but that aroma made me remember the things of summer. The humidity of the deep south, the sound of the mourning dove's cry, the feel of sweat running down my back and the smell of compost.

Funny how the smell of a simple tomato plant will trigger remembrances of summer! I can't wait for the succulent taste of an acidic tomato on that 'mater sandwich. YUMMMM...
I'm that way with smells too. I'll catch a whiff of something and it will stop me in my tracks, taking me back to childhood. I like that:)