Friday, April 22, 2011

Gardening For Geeks Like Me!

For those of you who know me understand that I'm a geek at heart. Working with computers every weekday for 30+ years, it just sort of happens. Most of the time I try and distance myself from my geekiness, but that rascally persona invades reality some of the time. Now is just one of those times.

In the summer we plan to go over to the "left" coast to visit my favorite son and favorite daughter-in-law (I hate that term... but I love her). Anyway... one of the
adventures we've planned involves a day at a symposium type dealio on all things green. In the process, I got on the mailing list of "Mother Earth News" (another term I'm not so fond of), who sends out a newsletter and various informational ezine type info.

Today's really is a good one. On their site they have an online Vegetable Garden Planner. You may have seen them before, but this one really rocks and is truly built for geeks like me (and probably you too if you're still with me).

This online tool allow you to set up the layout of your garden, pick your plants, automatically sizes the plant distribution according to space needs (there's nothing worse than planting cucumbers too close together!) and even has various color backgrounds for family type if you want to do crop rotation. Yep... it really rocks.

Not only that, but once you have your garden (or gardens) saved, you can go to the planner section; which truly becomes geeky with a gantt chart that tells you when to plant and when to harvest your delectable goodies. It also tells you how many you can plant in the space that you have so that you don't have overcrowding.

What could satisfy the geek in me any more than having my very own garden project plan!

This thing will even send you twice month reminders of what to sow when. Can gardening get more geeky than that?

Alas, as with everything, there is a catch... you can get this for 30 days free; but, hey... 30 days free is better than nothing. So, go ahead, get your geek on and design that garden and do some efficient square foot gardening in whatever space you have.

And now you have a tool that will help you lay it out efficiently, just for geeks like me... errr.. US!


1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I had to downsize from a vegetable garden due to space. Any insight on landscaping for perennials is always appreciated!

